Saturday, November 17, 2007

Disgaea Afternoon Of Darkness Oficial Guide

Abfallbehandl. in Lübeck, Göttingen, Ennigerloh

MBA Lübeck: dirty linen in public
MBA New York: Almost two years unexplained
MBA Ennigerloh: Regular attendance of the fire

Engineering company Haase Energietechnik Lübeck, and disposal operations (EBL) have for their argument about the MBA at the landfill Lübeck Niemark selected the maximum visibility for the Worl Wide Web. Thus, for the world read that the ratio of the two parties is thoroughly ruined. Here are the continuing chronicle of a disaster (as reported on 2 August 2007).

The system is in trial operation since May 2006. Lübeck media reported in August 2007 that some damage had been fixed and other repairs still ran. Haase had been advertised in the meantime to take over the waste division of the EBL and the operation of the MBA. The Lübeck Senator environmental Thorsten Geissler noted a stalemate. The requirement of Haase for more service personnel on the part of the EBL was rejected by the Attorney. EBL acknowledged, however, that in early August short-term staffing problems have been what was reprimanded by Haase promptly. The Lübeck CDU-waste expert Rüdiger Hinrichs described the atmosphere between Haase and EBL to be clearly very bad. He came before him like a bad movie.

in September 2007 the conflict escalated. According to the news Lübeck accused Haase of the EBL, rack and ruin they leave the facility and the undermanned staff was listless. The newspaper reported on 1.9.2007:
"Everywhere is mud. In the conveyor belts to collect the garbage. include container, the remains of swell about. Every few meters are puddles on the concrete floor. depend on machines and treadmills bits of plastic. The mechanical-biological waste treatment plant (MBT) at the landfill Niemark collected, sorted and recovered the prosperity of the mud in Lübeck. In less than two years of operation, it looks like a dustbin. If Rolf Sieksmeyer and Dr. Jörg Kliefoth from the construction company from Neumünster by Haase go 32 million-euro plant, grabs a cold rage. "We're worried about the plant," said attorney and manager. "Wants

The EBL not make the investment because it does not create full load. Haase counters, except for full load too little waste there. This year will be dead . Elsewhere, we have no such problems. This refers to orders in the UK and Malta.
(also see source below)

The Lübeck do the allegations of Haase can not sit up. On 3 September 2007, the EBL was in a press release outraged and angry. point by point, a detailed reply given. Haase also obviously trying to exploit the public.
(also see source below)

On 28 September 2007 reported the Lübeck Internet portal HL-live:
"MBA: progress in repair work
make the repairs to the mechanical-biological waste treatment plant (MBT) progress. As the technical director of waste companies Lübeck, Manfred Wicke, on Thursday afternoon at the Works Committee told, can now "biology" be re-booted. Requirement for this repair work was on the dryer and the agitator, who could now be concluded. The commissioning of the cooling is still before 15 October place.

On 9 November 2007, Haase terminated the contract for services with EBL on the establishment of the MBA Lübeck. Justification in Haase press release: Personal and organizational deficits in urban side, the system of functional decline and lack of a technical (EBL), head of the plant.
(see source below)
The reproach in terms of technical Head can not be dismissed out of hand. Andreas Seeger had quit in July 2007 (as reported on 2 August 2007). Lübeck Mayor Bernd Saxe

counters but the staff argument. "This is a specious argument that he told the news Lübeck. Environment Senator Geissler maintains the dismissal is not justified and will require Haase for all costs of damages. Günter Wosnitza of the Lübeck Green complains that the plant engineers a "transparent maneuver" before. The two year, unexplained breakdown series serves to "take over the plant." Haase has the back as a bad assumption.
(see source below)

Our views:
The lawyers of both parties, the winners will be. Both parties turn out to be related to the dispute led a disservice. The EBL will be difficult for the exhibited dirty laundry to find a buyer, and the current and future customers Haase could take the shock in the limbs. In addition, a lack of clarification of responsibilities is very poorly maintained plant accident risk.

How expensive can be a MBA accident and how long drag on the cause of research can, spoke in early October 2007 Wolfgang H. Stachowitz from the IB GmbH (Kiel) at the 11th Waste and Landfill Symposium Sardinia. Gothaer insurance had him appointed to investigate the total loss of MBA southern Lower Saxony (Göttingen Deiderode). The accident happened on 21 January 2006, the damage amounts to about 10 million €, an explosion is excluded and the investigation is not completed until today, that we do not know any details. Stachowitz emphasizes the protection of evidence went very slowly, causing additional costs would arise for all involved. The presentation can be downloaded here:

The MBA critical Spiegel article . Waste scandal - Deo from fog cannons "of 3 August 2007, 1518,497823,00 html
has now waste expert Klaus Stief comments:
" How so often with mirror items - if one knows anything about it -. a mess of the core is not incorrect facts, but which is considered in the context of the contribution of me as pure polemic The worst thing is that not clear what the author really wants .: It is against the MBA, compared to waste incineration, landfill against the
But you should read the amount of calm and remember - in the event that one is even trying another post, the one really likes to believe.

Here is an addendum to the major fire on the alternative fuel processing plant in the MBA Ennigerloh (from Ecowest) on 3 February 2007. The comrades from the volunteer fire department city Ennigerloh know the way to the disposal center on the west side probably blindfolded. Since the fire, they were summoned there 11 times for false alarms (February 8, March 5, March 7, May 9, June 1, June 12, June 19, June 19, July 15, 28 July, 13 September). For more than two months is quiet. You should check the fire alarm time, ie whether they are still there or whether they are off someone added. It might come really burn ...

friendly greetings from
Henriette Franke for waste management criticism of authors

Sources: Report of the Lübeck
news on 1 September 2007
"The expensive MBA threatens to rack and ruin
Lübeck - the row over the MBA, the fronts harden completely. The lawyers call the shots. A compromise is in sight. This affects the system. Besuch.Überall is a mess. In the conveyor belts to collect the garbage. include container, the remains of swell about. Every few meters are puddles on the concrete floor. depend on machines and treadmills bits of plastic. The mechanical-biological waste treatment plant (MBT) at the landfill Niemark collected, sorted and recovered the prosperity of the mud in Lübeck. In less than two years of operation, it looks like a dustbin. If going Rolf Sieksmeyer and Dr. Jörg Kliefoth from the construction company Haase from Neumünster by the 32 million-euro plant, grabs a cold rage. "We're worried about the plant," said attorney and manager. The waste disposal companies (EBL) would not provide enough staff to control the highly complex MBA reasonable. "We need 17 staff in a layer, set off the Haase-people before, "if 14 there were, it would be nice." Meticulously have listed both the number of posts in recent months. Between eleven and 14 percent the amount of absenteeism. Kliefoth: "And this despite already missing four men per shift." But not enough, it's provided by the waste disposal service personnel listless, criticized the company Haase. Who would work here, hear, taste, smell, "describes the ideal MBA Sieksmeyer man. And moreover,'s take a broom in his hand. The owner of Neumünster is sent to the waste disposal service for the Personalnot a warning. The lawyer for the EBL has rejected the criticism. He could not understand the information. While Haase Personalnot denounces annoy, the EBL and politician of constant technical problems. there were always surprises, laments the EBL-tip. Currently, a combustion chamber and cooling repairs for wet digestion can be installed. There were problems with the sand trap with the transmissions of the agitators. "A garbage plant is subject to considerable wear," said Sieksmeyer. This is due above all to the many sand in Lübeck's waste, the rub on the steel parts such as sand paper. The two parties have fallen out over the years completely. "The discussion thread is broken," laments Sieksmeyer attorney, "I do not think so quickly to an agreement." The problem: The EBL will not make the investment. Reason: The MBA while creating the legally prescribed values, but not under full load. How, then, counters Haase. The city put far too much garbage disposal - 610 a week instead of 1635 tons. If one gets garbage from outside, one must convert the MBA for 320 000 euros, says Haase. This is not to the EBL-tip. "We need to find a solution," says Senator environmental Thorsten Geissler (CDU). Especially as the EBL have paid the price this set. This year will be dead, prophesied Sieksmeyer attorney. Elsewhere, we have no such problems. Haase is building the plant in Lübeck England and Malta.
From Kai Dordowsky, LN

press release the city of Lübeck and the EBL of 3 September 2007
"treatment facilities have allegations back to the MBA
Entsorgungsbetriebe Lübeck reject the allegations of the company for Haase Mechanical-biological waste treatment plant with determination.
has reacted with surprise extreme, the plant management of waste companies to Lübeck by Haase public allegations related to the mechanical-biological waste treatment plant (MBT Lübeck). "We reject the allegations raised by the company Haase back with determination. They have stirred up anger and indignation of the workforce, said the commercial director of waste companies Lübeck, Dr. Jan-Dirk Verwey, and technical director, Manfred Wicke.
explain in detail the management of enterprises: first
Again awakened by the Haase in the public the impression that the technical problems in the construction of the plant were due to the fact that the treatment facilities shall not enough staff "to control the highly complex MBA reasonable. In this context, the company said Haase, there would need 17 employees in one shift. The fact is that the treatment facilities either by the agreement between the company Haase and disposal service contract or by any other additional agreement required employees to call in this number. The company should be the Haase believes that, over the contracted number of additional staff, the costs may be this is not the Lübeck fee payers will be charged. The company Haase trying to divert attention from the fact that they do not to this day is able to provide the disposal service contractually owed functional mechanical-biological waste treatment plant.
second The action brought by Haase claim that the waste disposal service provided by the staff "listless, has caused outrage in the workforce. The Staff has not submitted a separate opinion. The fact is that the staff of treatment facilities under difficult conditions to provide a constantly troubled with technical facility dedicated work.
third Absurd is the accusation of Haase, the treatment facilities would provide too little garbage disposal. First, the treatment facilities are only required during the performance run when the system is thus completed so far that it reaches all contract values and the acceptability is to be found - an amount worth 330 t of household waste to be used daily. Second, the treatment facilities therefore have less waste transported to the plant because the plant by permanent defects and partial failures including the moment is far from being able to handle more waste.
4th It is wrong to claim the company Haase, the waste plant is subject to considerable wear because of the Lübeck waste contains a lot of sand on average. The quality of the Lübeck waste is no different from that of the surrounding communities and meets the basic contractual data. The truth is, however, that the system does not process the garbage contract. However, this is a problem of the system, not a problem of waste composition.
5th Resolutely connect to treatment facilities, contrary to the impression conveyed by Haase, MBA threatened due to lack of cleaning work to rack and ruin. " The company provides Haase to the erroneous impression that extensive cleaning of the machines can also be performed during operation of the plant in compliance with safety regulations. This is not the case. It is true that the plant is next to the daily cleaning routine maintenance at specified intervals by the staff of treatment facilities regularly cleaned and fully serviced.
6th Wrong is the assertion of the company Haase, she had "elsewhere ... such problems. One is by Haase in Brandenburg built complex not removed also to this day. The facilities in England and Malta are still far from completion.
Haase apparently tried to exploit the public because it is not in a position to meet its contractual obligations. The plant management, the company calls the EBL Haase yet to return to the negotiating table.
explains this environment senator Thorsten Geissler concludes:
"We remind the company Haase strongly due to their contractual obligations. Rather than to take the public unjustified accusations, should the company Haase focus on solving their technical problems to ensure that the installation can be taken to for acceptance. The treatment facilities have signaled willingness to cooperate again. "

press release by Haase-energy technology on 12 November 2007:
"HAASE Anlagenbau MBA announces contract for services with the disposal company Lübeck (EBL)
On Friday 9 November, the plant HAASE, Neumünster, the work contract with EBL on the establishment of the MBA Lübeck terminated. This step was necessary after the collaboration with the EBL due to human and organizational deficits at city page can not be called effective.
Since a half years in the MBA Lübeck Lübeck treated the entire waste and disposed of. Here are the requirements of the Waste Disposal Ordinance observed. Nevertheless, it has not come today to a technical inspection of the plant by EBL. The human and organizational shortcomings on the part of the EBL for the operation of the plant, the plant was cited by Haase lead increasingly to a functional deterioration of the system. EBL does not have a technical plant manager, who serves as executive partner for HAASE Anlagenbau available to correct the problems together.
The technical state of the system deteriorated from month to month. These circumstances are to be answered by EBL and are beyond the control of plant HAASE.
HAASE Anlagenbau EBL has offered mid-September, the operation of the MBA Lübeck in a take over on 1 year fixed-term transfer agreement, to EBL to be relieved of operational responsibility and the technical and commercial system to operate optimally. The offer implies that the consideration of the management by HAASE Anlagenbau moved in the height of the current operating costs. Economic improvements are to be paid 50/50 by the parties. An agreement could not be completed until today. HAASE Anlagenbau is still willing to talk, to reach a constructive solution.

report of Lübeck on 13 News November 2007
"MBA: City threatens Company for damages from Lübeck (LN) - The city and the treatment facilities do not accept the termination of their MBA Partners. The CDU calls for a hurried environment Sondersitzung.Gestern morning Senator Thorsten Geissler (CDU) even for highly mechanical-biological waste treatment plant (MBT) at the landfill Niemark. Geissler wanted to get an idea on the spot: Is the operation in spite of the escalating dispute between the contractors and the disposal company (EBL)? On Friday, the contractors, the company Haase from Neumünster, working with EBL and the city had terminated unexpectedly. "The collaboration with the EBL is due to human and organizational failures, as no more purposeful be called "the Haase's executive offices, said yesterday. These deficits were" becoming a functional decline of the plant "lead." technical condition of the plant deteriorated from month to month, "said Haase. Environment Senator Geissler does not recognize this as grounds for dismissal . We termination consider unjustified and against Haase for all costs damages claim, "the head of department. EBL and city would be now write with Haase a status report for the MBA and study the system of external reviewers. determine the evaluators should if more money is needed to bring the high-tech garbage plant a reliable running. A garbage emergency not threatened, however, assure both sides. Since one and a half years of Lübeck prosperity dirt is pushed through the MBA and then buried in the landfill. While Haase says the MBA met all legal requirements, city and EBL will deny this, the waste not processed according to contract, there is always accidents, argues Lübeck. Therefore, the EBL system have not yet taken off. The politicians are reflected clearly on the side of the administration. "Haase is not suitable as a partner," criticizes Rüdiger Hinrichs, disposal expert of the CDU, "Lübeck has fulfilled all obligations." The arguments of the Neumünsteraner that the EBL have provided too few staff, were a pretext, Henri Abler (SPD), is Chairman of the Works Committee, says: "The MBA reaches a part of the allocated values is not easy." Günter Wosnitza (Green) takes issue with the plant engineers a "transparent maneuver" before. The two year, unexplained breakdown series serves to "take over the plant," explains Wosnitza: "I do not see that Lübeck has made mistakes." Haase spokeswoman Ursula packing houses reject the accusation of "transparent maneuver" as a bad assumption. The truth is, however, that Haase has offered the EBL in mid-September to take over temporarily the operation of the MBA for a year. Today discussed the Main Committee, as with The MBA continues. The CDU calls for a special meeting of the working committee. The position of the city and the EBL in this case is not so cheap: Because most of the 26-million contract has already been paid. 95 percent are referred to Haase. Kai Dordowsky, LN "


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